Ayurvedic Treatments for Dry Eyes
The eyes are held in high esteem by the science and mythology of Ayurveda. According to the Ayurvedic belief system, the eye has a connection to the sun and the eyes are thought to be fiery in nature and are hence more easily irritated during the hot summer months. Luckily for us, this science also offers many ways to douse the flames in our eyes. You can refresh your eyes by splashing them gently with cool water and blinking seven times—once for each chakra or energy center in the body. If they still burn or are light sensitive, you can then try placing cotton balls that have been soaked in milk or cucumber slices over your closed eyes for around 15 minutes. Another thing that can help treat dry eyes is rose water. You can try sprinkling your eyes with rose water, which will soothe your eyes and leave them feeling cool and refreshed.
1. Ayurveda treatment
According to the science of Ayurveda, dry and itchy eyes may indicate that your energy center is out of balance. In order to rectify this, a home treatment called Netra Basti is suggested. For this you will first need to warm a quarter cup of clarified butter and let it cool down to room temperature. Pour half of the liquid into an eyecup, lean your head back, and then bathe the eye for five to seven minutes. Repeat the same process on the other eye using the remaining amount of clarified butter.
You will, however, need to keep in mind that this treatment to treat dry eyes is quite a messy one; hence, it is advisable to get it done in the bathroom. The Netra Basti treatment is best when done right before your bedtime, as your vision will be clouded for a few minutes even after the treatment is done. Once the treatment is done, you can go to bed thereby ensuring that your eye, as well as your body, gets the rest that it needs to recuperate.
There are Ayurvedic spas that offer this treatment for dry eyes as well. If you sign up for this treatment at an Ayurvedic spa near you, don’t be surprised to end up with dough on your face. The dry eye treatment or remedy traditionally involves placing a wheel of uncooked whole-wheat flour around each eye. The wheat flour acts as a dam as the eye is immersed in clarified butter. This treatment is quite effective when it comes to treating dry eye syndrome.
2. Ayurveda diet
The science of Ayurveda also states that what you eat also affect your eyes. One of the best ways to keep your eyes moist and healthy is to consume antioxidants. Researchers in this field have found that vitamins C and E and lutein are the best antioxidants for eye health. Spinach, broccoli, corn, nuts, and strawberries are rich in these antioxidants, and consuming these foods will help with your dry eye symptoms as well. These are some of the treatments suggested by the science of Ayurveda to help relieve your symptoms of dry eyes.